Slam has made the team now. They read off them scheaul, amd they found out that they were going to play Caver, Slam's old high school. But as he moves on, things in his life kind of distracts him. He went to go visit his grand-ma. He felt bad when his grand-ma was talking to him about his grades, he felt that she was putting him down. Then she talked to him again to tell him whats rights and which way to go. As a great ball player, Slam thought that he should be starting but he wasn't. So when he got in at practice he starts to do what he's use to doing, and the choach yelled at him. Slam didn't think it was right so he walks off the court. As he's in the locker room, he thinks should I give up ball, or stay with the team and put up with the choach.
Slam was in history class, and he gets called to the office. His mom was there with his princaple and a man in a suite. They were there to discuss his grades and how the man in the suite could help him. Like me or other high school players we think that thier trying to make us look like we're slow or don't know anything. he gets mad and starts telling them that nothing is wrong with him, and he's fine. Slam felt that his mom was trying to get someone to replace his dad.
Another good summary. Keep going.