Thursday, March 31, 2011

Chapter 9-11

Slam was still frustrated because he's still not getting in the game like he wants, he getting in when their down or doesn't have enough spark. When he gets in he tells Jimmy, "move his guy out of the way or I'll break your jaw after the game." When the team gets into the huddle Nick comes over to Jimmy's defence. They had a little dispute about the situation. They won the game. Ducky was at the bus stop and Slam saw the Jimmy was ready to fight Ducky, then Nick came and it was a little scuffle. Slam was really down, so he went to go ball. The little kids asked him if he could dunck, so he went up for his first one and miss. The kids clown him so he felt he had to prove something; he dunck 4 times and the kids where very exited.

Slam and his little brother Derrick went up on their roof to go shoot some video. He sees alot of stuff in his neiborghod early in the morning. Slam shows his prject partner so of the video and she's being sacastic towards the the whole thing. Slam started to not like the video and decides he might just change the whole thing. Slam met Martisha at the library, and he showed her his math test. He ask for her help and she said yes.

Slam got to school the next day and Nick came over to him talk about the fight. Nick explains to slam the he feels that he pushes people around amd he thinks people are scared of him. Slam asked why Jimmy pushes Ducky around, and when Slam stepped up to Jimmy he ran. The next game they had set up a play for Ducky, but Ducky had traveled. After the game Slam found Ducky in the bathroom crying. Slam calm Ducky down and told him he just needs to work on his game.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Chapter 7-8

This chapter is about Slam trying to get Martisha back. He begs her to for give him, but she's not. He calls the house to talk to her, but her mom answered the phone. He ask to speak to her, but she said no.

Chapter 8 is about him playing basketball over the break and shooting some video tape for his school project. It's new years day, and Slam calls Martisha and asked for a second chance, so she said she'll think about it. Slam takes a math test, and he made a plan if he shows work and the problem is wrong he'll get partial credit. He really didn't know what to do on any of the problems, he just tried to remeber all the things he had learn. He sees everyone turning their tests in and he didn't want to be the last one, so he turn his in.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

End of Chapter 5 - beging of 6

The first game came, and they all were looking foward to it. The game started and they were loosing by a few, and Slam didn't get in the first half. He thought the coach had something against him. His friend Ice was there and ask him why he didn't get in. the second half the coach put Slam in, and the teimpo of the game picked up. they were down by 9 pts. when Slam got in he started to ball. He had to show people that he could play, on one play he dunked on the center on the other team, and the gym got hype.

He started to play very good deffence. He got a couple of steals, and made good plays out of them. Towards the end of the game, he dunked the ball again. At the end of the game they won by 11, and thats how many pts. Slam had, so he felt like he won, or helped win the game.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Chapter 2 - 5

Slam has made the team now. They read off them scheaul, amd they found out that they were going to play Caver, Slam's old high school. But as he moves on, things in his life kind of distracts him. He went to go visit his grand-ma. He felt bad when his grand-ma was talking to him about his grades, he felt that she was putting him down. Then she talked to him again to tell him whats rights and which way to go. As a great ball player, Slam thought that he should be starting but he wasn't. So when he got in at practice he starts to do what he's use to doing, and the choach yelled at him. Slam didn't think it was right so he walks off the court. As he's in the locker room, he thinks should I give up ball, or  stay with the team and put up with the choach.

Slam was in history class, and he gets called to the office. His mom was there with his princaple and a man in a suite. They were there to discuss his grades and how the man in the suite could help him. Like me or other high school players we think that thier trying to make us look like we're slow or don't know anything. he gets mad and starts telling them that nothing is wrong with him, and he's fine. Slam felt that his mom was trying to get someone to replace his dad.